Monday, February 6, 2012

Bind Static Data to the Gridview in

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                gvCertificates.DataSource = GVCertificate();

        public DataTable GVCertificate()
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            table.Columns.Add("CertificateType", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("LinkedCertificateNum", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("CertificateStatus", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("CertificateTypeId", typeof(int));
            table.Rows.Add("IC", "", "", 2);           
            table.Rows.Add("EXC", "", "", 3);
            table.Rows.Add("CSEC", "", "", 4);
            table.Rows.Add("CPIC", "", "", 5);   
            table.Rows.Add("FP", "", "", 6);
            table.Rows.Add("HVEC", "", "", 7);
            table.Rows.Add("RC", "", "", 8);
            table.Rows.Add("Norm", "", "", 9);
            table.Rows.Add("FPT", "", "", 10);
            if (TypeofRequest != string.Empty)
                DataView dv = table.DefaultView;
                dv.RowFilter = "CertificateType <>'" + TypeofRequest + "'";              

            return table;


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